Due Diligence Helpdesk on EU Sanctions for EU SMEs dealing with Iran - Keskuskauppakamari

Due Diligence Helpdesk on EU Sanctions for EU SMEs dealing with Iran

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Microsoft Teams

Dear members of the Finland-Iran Business Association and business partners,


You are welcome to join a webinar on:


Time: Tuesday, 23 November 2021 at 11 am Helsinki time
Venue: Microsoft Teams webinar

A link to join the meeting will be sent to those registered closer to the event date. 


We will be joined from Brussels by Mr Simon Cheetham, Team Leader, and Mr Peter Sczigel, Project Executive, both representing the Due Diligence Helpdesk on EU Sanctions for EU SMEs dealing with Iran. The goal, as a project of the European Commission is to provide free of charge information to EU SMEs about sanctions in Iran and to counsel them about legitimate business opportunities.


The webinar will be moderated by Mr Hannu Rossi, Chair of the Finland-Iran Business Association. 


Please join us for an informative session and discussion. 




11.00 Welcome, Hannu Rossi, Chair, Finland-Iran Business Association

11.05 Presenting the project and services of the Due Diligence Helpdesk on EU sanctions

Mr Simon Cheetham, Team Leader, and Mr Peter Sczigel, Project Executive

11.50 Q&A

12.00 Webinar ends

The webinar is free of charge but requires advance registration by 19 November here. 

Feel free to forward this invitation to the relevant person in your organization. 



Finland-Iran Business Association


More information about the sanctions helpdesk here.

Information about the event from jenni.isola@chamber.fi 

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